We were delighted to return to live performances with audiences back in June in the idyllic Orchard Tea Garden. The adrenaline rush seeing and hearing the audience again was such a wonderful feeling! Here’s what a selection of our performers had to say:
“It was a joy to return to The Orchard Tea Garden Grantchester, having first performed there last year. It was brilliant to meet up with fellow musicians again, some of whom I haven’t seen for a year, and a surreal experience to see 100+ smiling faces of audience again! It is a really beautiful and friendly venue and for me personally I was delighted to make my debut singing Polyphemus in Acis and Galatea, a role which suits my voice and an extremely fun character to play! I really hope to return soon for more Baroque masterpieces!” Jamie Woollard, Bass
“Performing in the orchard last week with friends and colleagues was really terrific. I’ve found that I’ve become a little more nervous before live concerts since lockdown however, singing in such a beautiful setting with lovely people definitely set me at ease!” Rebecca Leggett, Mezzo
‘It was a complete joy to be making music together again in such a magical setting with such great musical friends. A particular highlight for me was performing Handel’s Acis and Galatea and hearing the surrounding wildlife adding their own musical accompaniment. From a Vivaldi oboe concerto to Dido’s Lament, it was incredibly moving to be making live music together again for a live audience. Such a special few days.’ Alice Poppleton, Violin
‘To be able to communicate once more with a receptive and responsive audience was an absolute delight! This, alongside the beautiful and relaxed setting of the Orchard Tea Rooms was highly conducive to an enjoyable first live performance since the pandemic began – which absolutely had the potential to be highly stressful after such a long time away. Not only that but the opportunity to be in the same space, collaboration once more with fellow musicians was deeply satisfying, hugely missed and wonderfully fulfilling.’ Sarah Champion, Mezzo
“Baroque in the Orchard was my first concert with Eboracum Baroque and I enjoyed it so much. The audience were really close so we could see how much they enjoyed being back watching live music! Everyone in Eboracum was so friendly, it was a great bunch of people to do one of my first concerts after lockdown.” Isla MacEwan, Soprano