
Baroque Classics in the Orchard

It was an amazing feeling to return to live performance AND with an audience of 50 for each concert! The concerts took place on 28th August and 4th September and we were delighted to be performing in such an idyllic setting.

Unfortunately the weather wasn’t kind for our first performance but we soldiered on till we could play no more around 3/4 of the way through with heavy rain and wind meaning we needed to dash for cover, coupled with a flying gazebo! The audience were wonderfully supportive and that amazing feeling of playing together again will remain with us for many years I’m sure.

We returned a week later to much calmer conditions and alongside the music were able to fit in a photo shoot from the fantastic Andrew Wilkinson

Our programmes featured many favourites that we’ve performed over the years from Handel operas and oratorios, Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Handel’s Water Music and the famous Prelude to the Te Deum by Charpentier. A joy to be back!

We are incredibly grateful for the orchard allowing these events to take place and plans are in place for a return to the orchard in 2021.