It was a great pleasure to work with the fantastic young voices of two girls’ choirs in Cambridge earlier this month in a performance of Vivaldi’s Gloria in Clare College Chapel. They sang superbly and it was lovely to receive feedback from some of the girls at St Mary’s School below:
‘I enjoyed singing as part of Allegro with Eboracum Baroque. Since most of the Baroque instruments look and sound different from the modern instruments, the introduction and demostration of the baroque instruments were very interesting.’
‘The rehearsal with the orchestra and when all musicians came together; it sounded sublime.
The excitement of performing live and singing Agnus dei filius Patris with the amazing soloist.’
‘I enjoyed the experience of performing with a professional choir and learning the music for it.
It was interesting to perform with an ensemble which played Baroque instruments, rather than their modern counterparts.’
I enjoyed getting the opportunity to sing a piece such as Vivaldi’s Gloria. It was a pleasure to be part of a group, and to see everyone’s hard work culminate in an extremely enjoyable evening. It was also a new and exciting experience to be accompanied by a Baroque orchestra.’
‘I loved working with St Catherine’s Choir and the orchestra. It was amazing to sing with another amazing choir and it sounded amazing at the end.’
You can read a further article on the St Mary’s Girl’s School website here