There are probably many words that we could use to describe the last couple of weeks – strange, uncertain, worrying, scary. I’m sure we have all experienced all these worries and feelings. Of course many areas and industries are affected at this time. The music industry has particularly been hit and the majority of us who are performers are self employed. This brings a time of great uncertainty going forward financially and we hope we can get back to performing live as soon as we can.
The first thoughts that struck me when this situation began to develop was how could we keep live music going and keeping in touch with our audiences. I want Eboracum (in a small way) to be able to reach out to audiences new and old and provide some light relief with videos/social media posts and plans going forward. You can see a short video I posted on social media here
We’re really looking forward to giving our first live Zoom concert on Friday. We hope to give a concert every couple of weeks or so in the coming weeks and months. These concerts will feature solo music for instruments (and some singing too!) with different themes. The first theme focuses on the Leipzig Coffee House concerts that Telemann and Bach were instrumental in running at the start of the 18th Century. Some weeks we will feature certain instruments too. Lots of plans in the pipeline so do keep an eye out on our mailing list and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) My thanks to all the Eboracum musicians for all their support and positivity in being involved in online projects. We’ve also got an exciting multi tracking project going with singers – keep an eye out!
Importantly, here’s some important details about how to watch our Zoom concerts.
– There is a limit to 100 audience members – you can join from 12.45 onwards in readiness to start (just like you would for a normal concert!) Don’t worry if you don’t make it, this concert will be recorded and available on YouTube later on Friday.
– It is recommended you download the Zoom app or software onto your device (phone/ipad/laptop/computer) Check the app store or the Zoom website: It is possible to watch just via a browser but Zoom is great for everyone to have at the moment!
– You will be muted throughout (this helps the Zoom system) but you can react to the music whenever you like with the reaction buttons! Audience videos will also be off as this can again affect the system – don’t worry you’ll still be able to watch and hear all the performers! (plus you can sing along and nobody will know!)
– There will likely be a few technical issues along the way, please bare with us!
Take care everyone, keep in touch and we look forward to sharing lots of music with you in the time ahead.
Chris Parsons, Director of Eboracum Baroque